The Ornamented Ovum
There are many eggs like it, but this egg is yours. Decorate and personalize your precious egg.
The Ornamented Ovum is an example project demonstrating how to make paper-doll "dressup" games using Decker. Feel free to tweak it, remix it, or use it as a starting point for creating your own projects! You can also check out the community forum post explaining how to make new draggable parts.
ovum.deck 165 kB
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my lovely girl bunkus
We could all use a Bunkus in our lives; a real good egg.
Be Afraid
mghuurg has been born (their bday is today)
Be careful, he walks around at night!
Thank u for this. A good reminder to fear what the human mind is capable of birthing.
I named them Mellencorly
would it be possible to make an image export button? ie to programmatically do menu:File>Export Image…
Sure! The "write[]" function can programmatically export images (or even animations), and there are also ways to composite together and crop images with scripts. I'll see about working up an example and maybe a few more goodies this evening when I have time.
@eoin2: v1.1 has a "Save Photo!" button, along with some goofy new parts. I did a little writeup in the Decker forum if you wanted some details on the scripting side of things. :)
Appears to perform as advertised.
I present to you Eggy The First.